Thursday, October 17, 2013

High on Kokomo's New(ish) Trail System & Jackson-Morrow Park, But A Little Sad

Wow, have you tried any of Kokomo's trails? You can now go from UCT Park on Phillips St to Waterworks Park or branch off to the South uptown, across the new walking bridge adjacent to the railroad bridge behind the main fire station, and go south along the Industrial Heritage Trail  to the old Damon's Restaurant.

So what about this makes me sad? Well now that I'm looking backward 20 years or so from my first year in the decade of my 70's, I'm remembering when a good friend and I used to walk every morning before work. We walked from 1 1/2 to 3 miles a day, in a circle. Around and around Highland Park we'd go, and believe me no one in Kokomo loves Highland Park more than I do, till I almost never wanted to see it again.

We tried occasionally to go to Foster Park but in those days the trail there was so overrun with geese it just wasn't a pleasant experience. We went out of Highland along some of the streets but had to deal with bad sidewalks and traffic.

Yes, walking on the trail in Jackson-Morrow is going in a circle, but what a circle! 

How I wish these new trails were available then. Now I have two bad knees, a bad back, and am overweight. You know, the "age" diseases.

Anyhow, here's what I have to say today: If you aren't taking advantage of these trails you're making a big mistake. You'll blink your eyes and be in your 70's. I know it doesn't seem like it, and honestly if you knew how fast it actually goes you'd be miserable, but take my word for it and enjoy these things while you can.This is a great time to be living in Kokomo!

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