Saturday, November 23, 2013


First Friday in November was an incredible amount of fun for those who attended, and there were lots of people who did. I had the privilege of helping to hand out information and directing people to various events going on. It was great fun, and if there were any, I didn't hear a single negative comment. I'm eagerly awaiting  December's First  Friday coming up on the 6th. We will need a break from this week!

I was beginning to think I wasn't going to have "something to say" for a while when, whoosh, a tornado blew through. Those of us who weren't directly affected by the spring flood had almost put it out of our minds and now it's back with a vengeance. A one-two punch for the city of Kokomo and many of its residents.

I was directly involved in the tornado as I live across from the Key Bank on Hoffer St. I was one of the incredibly blessed people who had only minor damage. A couple of broken windows, roof damage that can be taken care of after others with no roof have had repairs, some siding damage and it appears that my garage has been moved. The gate won't properly latch and the pass door won't stay shut, I have to use a bungee cord to keep it closed.

I lost one nights sleep (stayed with a friend the other 2 nights without power) and about $70 worth of food. While that does impact me, it is nothing, and I mean nothing, compared to the devastation that I've seen. It is heartbreaking to see the homes and businesses lost in an instant. Having been in the famous 1965 Palm Sunday tornado I can assure the people involved that eventually this event will be a distant memory. Something to tell the kids or grand kids that you experienced. But it will be a long time until then. In the meantime you will survive the pain and heartbreak of losing your home and/or precious memories in the form of photos and souvenirs. You will be blessed by all the people who step up to help - friends, neighbors and perfect strangers. I, and many others, are and will continue to pray for you.

I've read with interest the stories in the Tribune about how the community has come together to help. I've seen it out my front window. I don't find this such a dramatic story. There are and always have been good, even great people in Kokomo. It isn't every day that they have occasion to be seen as they do in disasters such as we've had this year. But make no mistake, they live and work along side you each day.

Well okay, let's give the scumbags their due also. In every situation where good can be done you will find those who will do everything in their power take advantage. The looters, the scam artists, the shady contractors. It's unfortunate that they get as much publicity as they do but I guess the rest of us need to be warned.

One last thought.....Yesterday I was again treated to a comment that was both distressing and heartbreaking. I was sitting next to 3 women who were talking over the JFK tribute I was trying to listen to on TV at a local nail salon.I was trying to listen to the TV and filter out their talking when one of them said "I just hate Christmas!" Wow, really??  I can only hope somehow, someway she has a chance to read this. Shame on you!

See you First Friday.

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