Sunday, July 13, 2014

First Friday July 4, 2014

As you can see from the photo of the flag above, taken at the fire station on the corner of Washington and Superior Streets, July 4th started as a gorgeous day. My biggest challenge as I headed uptown early was to find the best place to get a good shot of the flag. It turned out to be harder than you would think. I took the first pictures here at the fire station then proceeded to the square to get the one on the courthouse lawn. Unfortunately that one had gotten caught in the rope due to the winds we'd been experiencing for several days. There was another, just west of the square, that would have been perfect but I couldn't get a clean shot of it without a blue dumpster in the foreground. I got a pretty good shot of the one flying over the Firestone building and the one at Key Bank on the corner of Main and Mulberry Streets. I decided to stop at the Main St Cafe for breakfast instead of continuing on this quest. Turns out, when I got home that this picture was near perfect. After all what would the 4th of July be without a great shot of our flag against a beautiful blue sky?

Later in the day, when I headed uptown to take up my post as one of the "guides" for First Friday, I was wondering if we'd have anyone at all since the Haynes Apperson Festival was going strong at Foster Park. I was pleased to see that even though fewer of the places were open and the crowds were certainly less, we did still have people and, even better, some were First Friday first timers. That's always a great thing. We made sure to tell them that although there was less going on this month due to the festival  they needed to come back next month to really get a feel for what First Friday is all about. By the way, wasn't the Haynes Pioneer replica awesome?

Since last year when the Kingston Square Apartments up north and The Washington St Residences at Taylor & Washington began construction I've made it a point to drive around town and photograph the progress of these and other sites such as the new parking garage. I've also documented the painting of some of the buildings on Sycamore St, such as Kokomo Toys, the installation of the islands, wrought iron fencing and ornamental street lights on Apperson, etc. I love to see the progress on a daily basis. I've taken photos of and eaten in all but one of the restaurants currently in the uptown area. Jamie's Soda Fountain, Main St Cafe, Pepperwhistle Bakery & Cafe, Cook McDoogal's Irish Pub, The District, Drakes Bar & Grill and The Foxes Trail. I've yet to make it to the Laugh House but will soon. Did you count the number of places I listed? Eight! I find this totally astonishing, especially since more are coming when Panhandle Alley is completed on Buckeye St by the train depot. Great things going on in Kokomo.

Now I want to say something about the negative things that some are saying and putting in editorials and letters to the editor. Most who criticize the beautification efforts do so because they feel this is taking money from other areas that need assistance. Areas listed most often are sidewalks and demolition of derelict properties. It's my understanding that much of the monies earmarked for the beautification efforts comes from the federal government to be used for that purpose. To be honest I don't know for sure whether or not this is true. I do agree that money needs to be allocated to repair, replace or install sidewalks where necessary.

With regard to derelict properties I do have strong opinions. I have a friend whose house is between two abandoned properties and across from one that burnt down. She is stuck, her house is paid for and she's retired. She has worked hard to keep her property up but living in the area she's in there is no way she could sell her house for more than pennies on the dollar due to the surrounding properties.  One of them belongs to a person who has just moved on and left it to rot but continues to pay the taxes so no one steps in. I don't think the city needs to be responsible for demolition of these type properties but I for sure think they should make or enforce laws that require the property owner to! These properties foster animal control problems and many become drug houses.

Done with the negative! I've probably said all I need to for this month but want to encourage you to spread the word about First Friday. It keeps growing and has something for nearly everyone. Where else can you go for "free" and enjoy a walk, a meal and a little time away from TV and all your tech toys?

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