Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Okay, I guess there's something wrong with me...

Here we are well into the era of "road diets", flowers & trees and even at 75 I've yet to run into a curb, bump out, island,  tree, whatever.....I seek out and support local restaurants and businesses, attend First Friday's as much as I can, wish I could live at the expensive 306 Riverfront Apts but am not angry because I can't... there are plenty of other places I can afford. While I'm not able to walk on the trails I wish I could and it's my goal after knee replacement's. 😁 I still don't secretly want the Kokomo Municipal Stadium to flood and I love Jackrabbits baseball. I know that the Markland Ave reconstruction has gone on too long but know a dozen different ways to avoid it and still get where I'm going.
Now, lest you think there aren't some things that frustrate me, how about the fact that so many people here don't know how to deal with 4 way stops, apparently can't read speed limit signs, don't take advantage of all there is to do in a city that for a while appeared to be dying, don't get involved and vote but constantly complain. Yeah, I guess there's something wrong with me....

Friday, February 16, 2018

We need to try harder....

Sitting in Gabetta's last week looking at the For Sale sign in the window made me wonder, why don't we try harder to keep local businesses going? Yes, it's easier to park at chain restaurant's on 931 or go to a shopping center away from downtown to buy a novelty gift such as those available at Jitterbug or clothing such as at P.F. Hendricks, Lux Boutique or a children's resale shop. Bind Cafe & Bookstore, with a hidden clothing gem off the alley behind the parking garage, all of the stores along Sycamore from Main to Union and along Buckeye from Walnut to Mulberry. Food & Drink? Superior V, Foxes Trail, Wings, etc, The Wildcat & Coterie, Cook McDoogal's, Main St Cafe, Jamie's Soda Fountain, Marble The Steak House, Gabetta's, Gingerbread House Bakery, Tin Man, Oscar's Pizza & 3 Amigo's. 

And yes, I know, there are some out there who hate the changes in the streets so much they've sworn off  going downtown. But really, are those good reasons not to support local people who are trying to make a living when their product is as good, sometimes better, and the prices are comparable?

Everyone knows by now how much I want everyone to support the efforts to bring life back to the downtown area. Most anyone who reads this remembers that I grew up on the streets of Kokomo when that didn't mean what it typically does today. My memories of downtown come from the perspective of a 7 to 15 year old unlike a couple of other notable people who bring you memories of the area. In case you are someone who stumbles on this by accident, I'll add just a little more to that.

My mother worked at one of the many movie theatre's downtown and we lived just half a block from Lincoln School which is on the corner of Taylor & Indiana streets. Nearly everyday after school I could be found downtown, checking in with her, running in and out of the many stores around the square and the 2 to 5 blocks in every direction such as dime & department stores, multiple drug stores, etc. I even made my way fairly often to the hatchery on north Buckeye to see the baby chickens. I had a friend whose mother worked at Dean's Donuts on Washington St at the railroad track, just a little south of where Kentucky Fried Chicken is today. Needless to say I could be found there fairly often eating donuts fresh out of the fryer! To this day I can still smell them. Honestly, I could write a small book that many, at least in my age group, would find pretty interesting and nostalgic.

At any rate, my point here is that I've been following and loving what's been happening to the downtown area for the past few years. The only thing I don't like is that it's happening at a time that I can't enjoy it as much as I could have when I was younger. I eat downtown as often as I can and confess that I go to whichever place  has a "really close" parking spot. This is due only to the fact that both my knees are so bad I can barely walk. I've been seen circling the block multiple times, however, when my taste buds want to go to a particular place. Since I'm so old and decrepit I have the time and patience it takes to do this! :))

I've eaten at every place mentioned except The Coterie (steps) and Marble The Steakhouse (new) and Superior V (new). All of the places to eat are, in my opinion, either very good or wonderful. If you haven't taken the time to check these places out please do so in order to help keep our downtown going and give our local's a chance to wow you, both with food and everything else available. I'd be shocked if you didn't wonder why you haven't done so earlier.

Oh, and don't forget First Friday's ....

Friday, December 29, 2017

Post Christmas Thoughts

I'm sitting in the front window of Main St Cafe, next to an electric heater looking at a poster for the New Year's Eve Downtown Kokomo 20th Anniversary Ball Drop Celebration. 

How can this be? I was 54 then, could still stand in the cold for one and a half to two hours and think nothing of it! What on earth has happened to me?? More importantly what has happened to my "hometown" since then? For a long time, absolutely nothing...except to decay.

So, I know what some of you are thinking....no, I do, really I do. The first thing that popped into your head was narrow streets, roundabouts, stop signs, islands with trees, pot holes, etc. And some of you still look forward to seeing Kokomo Municipal Stadium flood...sorry. Of course, except for pot holes, I love all that stuff. I have family and friends, well one friend especially, who will go to her grave without ever going downtown again or driving through the roundabout on E Markland! She simply won't give any of these things a chance. That's okay though, she and others are certainly entitled to their opinion. That's one thing living in America is about, the freedom to express your opinion. But, I digress....this is my opinion....Kokomo is once again a place to take pride in, it's a place of opportunity for small businesses. Some make it and some fail, but they can try.

My biggest regret is that it came so late in my life. A friend and I used to walk 3 miles a day before work and though I love Highland Park I'm still, years later, a little dizzy from walking in circles. How we would have loved the trail system!

I spend a part of most everyday downtown, if nothing else just driving through and checking daily progress. Every single day something is happening and has been for a long time. I've watched the complex on Superior St across from the IUK Gym, the stadium, the parking garage and apartments, the Y, the condo's on Market St, the new complex across from the stadium, the Foxes Trail transformation from the J.M. Leach abandoned ice plant, everything on North Buckeye St, the apartments on the corner of Apperson & Jefferson, etc, etc. I've shopped at P.F. Hendricks, Bind Cafe & Books, Jitterbug and more. I've eaten at Wings, Etc, Cook McDougal's, The Wildcat, Foxes Trail, Main St Cafe, Jamie's, Gabetta's, Gingerbread House Bakery, Oscar's pizza and 3 Amigo's and I've even made a birdhouse at SHAK Makerspace. Now, don't tell anyone, but I've also had a beer at Tin Man Brewing! Thank goodness for popcorn! I went one First Friday and hadn't eaten anything. That could have been a problem though I saw enough people I knew that had I not filled up on popcorn I could have gotten a ride home. :)

What have you done to see what all this is about? Have you given it a chance? Will you have trouble finding a place to park near where you want to go? Sometimes....be persistent. Will you have an occasional bad meal or poor service? Again, sometimes, but instead of spreading discontent share with the owner and help them become better. And just so you know, I've not always given things a chance either but when I have it was magical!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 2014 First Friday

Incredible that on a cold and rainy First Friday it would be that a lot was scheduled to be held inside the depot. How cool is that? I was unable to man my usual post at the Information Mailbox because of having bronchitis. In order not to miss the whole thing I arrived at the corner of Jackson & Buckeye Streets at about 4:45 p.m. and stayed in the warm car until hurrying across to the Gingerbread House Bakery for take home cookies while waiting on Gabettas to open at 5:30.

Needless to say I was first in the door at 5:30. I ordered dinner and by the time I'd finished and paid the place was nearly full. I was able to see the crowd as they gathered for Santa's arrival but decided that was about all I could do. I got back in the car and before going home drove around the square a few times to see all the decorations, drove up Main St to see a nice crowd gathered at Main St Cafe, around the corner to Union St to head home. At the corner of Union & Walnut I took in the now lighted staircase on the new parking garage. I turned right then entered the garage from Walnut St, drove through and exited onto Sycamore. Who'd have ever thought we'd have a multilevel parking
garage in Kokomo? Most interesting was that the ground floor was about 3/4 full.

I was sorry to miss so many of the festivities but am glad that I was able to do what I did. I'm already looking forward to January 2.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

It's a happenin' place!

Well, okay, so the morning donut rush was over by the time I got there today, Oct 11, but Buckeye St, The Depot District or Panhandle Alley (whatever you choose to call it) is a happening place!

I decided to make today a "brunch" day so didn't get here till around 10:45. I first had a half order of biscuits & gravy at Gabettas  followed by a glazed cinnamon roll and coffee at Gingerbread House Bakery next door. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm. I've been counting calories for a little over a year and believe it or not I'm still good for the day.

Parking is a little bit of a challenge here as everyone is coming out to support the local businesses. I've figured out that if you park in the bank parking lot at the corner of Jackson & Buckeye Streets and walk over you don't have to worry about it or even the calories since you'll get a little exercise to and from the goodies.

I've been to Gabettas several times since they've opened and the food has always been good. Once I even got to sit outside which was awesome. Who turned on the early winter anyhow? Hopefully we'll have a few more outside seating days yet. I've been to Gingerbread House Bakery twice and the atmosphere is really great as are the donuts. Check out the chocolate dripping down the walls.

We've had 3 First Friday's since my last comments and they, as usual, have been wonderful. Too bad the weather hasn't been the best but still lots of fun to be had.
The cool weather is what makes a hayride though! Even the sprinkles didn't deter them. Seems the October First Friday's are always well attended since most of us really love to be scared to death in the spooky basements and old hotels downtown. Each month's theme has something for everyone. More participants each month too. Great to see the Masonic Temple and Grace Methodist Church taking part and now also the restaurants on Buckeye St across from the Depot. Another new business on Walnut St too this month. Each month I'm privileged to be a guide at the Welcome Center on the corner of Main & Walnut and am amazed at the number of people that come by and say this is their first time attending. Keep getting the word out....where else can you spend an evening walking around, doing a little shopping and eating largely for free? And, if you haven't already heard, November's First Friday is going to have a Mystery theme. You aren't going to want to miss this one!

Here's a little "fall challenge" for you: Support our local businesses and restaurants. Soon downtown parking will be easier to come by with the new parking garage opening. We've got more places downtown to eat and shop than we've had for years, let's take advantage of that. Don't forget to check out the new Artist's Alley next to the Kokomo Art Association on north Main.

As the holidays approach and you begin thinking of getting together with friends remember these options. And before long, we'll have that shiny new YMCA we're so anxious to have, the new baseball stadium and the Heritage Trail is nearly complete too. Catch you all next month.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

First Friday July 4, 2014

As you can see from the photo of the flag above, taken at the fire station on the corner of Washington and Superior Streets, July 4th started as a gorgeous day. My biggest challenge as I headed uptown early was to find the best place to get a good shot of the flag. It turned out to be harder than you would think. I took the first pictures here at the fire station then proceeded to the square to get the one on the courthouse lawn. Unfortunately that one had gotten caught in the rope due to the winds we'd been experiencing for several days. There was another, just west of the square, that would have been perfect but I couldn't get a clean shot of it without a blue dumpster in the foreground. I got a pretty good shot of the one flying over the Firestone building and the one at Key Bank on the corner of Main and Mulberry Streets. I decided to stop at the Main St Cafe for breakfast instead of continuing on this quest. Turns out, when I got home that this picture was near perfect. After all what would the 4th of July be without a great shot of our flag against a beautiful blue sky?

Later in the day, when I headed uptown to take up my post as one of the "guides" for First Friday, I was wondering if we'd have anyone at all since the Haynes Apperson Festival was going strong at Foster Park. I was pleased to see that even though fewer of the places were open and the crowds were certainly less, we did still have people and, even better, some were First Friday first timers. That's always a great thing. We made sure to tell them that although there was less going on this month due to the festival  they needed to come back next month to really get a feel for what First Friday is all about. By the way, wasn't the Haynes Pioneer replica awesome?

Since last year when the Kingston Square Apartments up north and The Washington St Residences at Taylor & Washington began construction I've made it a point to drive around town and photograph the progress of these and other sites such as the new parking garage. I've also documented the painting of some of the buildings on Sycamore St, such as Kokomo Toys, the installation of the islands, wrought iron fencing and ornamental street lights on Apperson, etc. I love to see the progress on a daily basis. I've taken photos of and eaten in all but one of the restaurants currently in the uptown area. Jamie's Soda Fountain, Main St Cafe, Pepperwhistle Bakery & Cafe, Cook McDoogal's Irish Pub, The District, Drakes Bar & Grill and The Foxes Trail. I've yet to make it to the Laugh House but will soon. Did you count the number of places I listed? Eight! I find this totally astonishing, especially since more are coming when Panhandle Alley is completed on Buckeye St by the train depot. Great things going on in Kokomo.

Now I want to say something about the negative things that some are saying and putting in editorials and letters to the editor. Most who criticize the beautification efforts do so because they feel this is taking money from other areas that need assistance. Areas listed most often are sidewalks and demolition of derelict properties. It's my understanding that much of the monies earmarked for the beautification efforts comes from the federal government to be used for that purpose. To be honest I don't know for sure whether or not this is true. I do agree that money needs to be allocated to repair, replace or install sidewalks where necessary.

With regard to derelict properties I do have strong opinions. I have a friend whose house is between two abandoned properties and across from one that burnt down. She is stuck, her house is paid for and she's retired. She has worked hard to keep her property up but living in the area she's in there is no way she could sell her house for more than pennies on the dollar due to the surrounding properties.  One of them belongs to a person who has just moved on and left it to rot but continues to pay the taxes so no one steps in. I don't think the city needs to be responsible for demolition of these type properties but I for sure think they should make or enforce laws that require the property owner to! These properties foster animal control problems and many become drug houses.

Done with the negative! I've probably said all I need to for this month but want to encourage you to spread the word about First Friday. It keeps growing and has something for nearly everyone. Where else can you go for "free" and enjoy a walk, a meal and a little time away from TV and all your tech toys?

Friday, June 20, 2014

First Friday and the winter from....wherever!

Could the worst winter in several years, as far as snow is concerned, be the reason for the length of time since I last blogged? Oh yeah...without a doubt. This "little" snow, one of many of all proportions, was in March. Come on, it's supposed to be getting nice in March!

And here we are just 2 days before First Friday in June. I have fond memories of seeing Santa in the toy department at Wm H Turner in the 1950's. I sure hate to see this building come down but that's better than sitting empty the way it has for the last several years. It will be interesting to see what happens on this site once it's cleared.

Regardless of the floods, tornadoes or snow storms I am still high on Kokomo and First Friday's. I read with interest Morgan Young's article about all that's going on uptown and how people feel about it. I'm proud to say that I'm one of the people he terms "early adopter's". The minute they lay out a vision of what can be done to improve the city I become a cheerleader. Often I'm in the minority and that's okay. Bring on the new ballpark! How can anything be worse than the way that area had become? No one should have to live in a place like that and the only way to get rid of it is to make it better. Do we need it or can we support it? We won't know until we try. I think it's worth trying.

Now, let's get back to First Friday. I went to all of them throughout the winter and spring and worked as a guide at most. Cold? Yes. Windy? Yes. Wet? Yes. And your point is? It would have been cold, windy and wet without First Friday but with it there was something to do besides stay in and complain.

Lots of people agreed with me. I was surprised at the number of people who came out. Sure there weren't big crowds but there were people out and about. It was fun to see things that the Library did and they were always a refuge from the elements. Another place holding fond memories for me is the old, soon to be new, Firestone building. It was great to have First Friday events there.

One of the things I'd like to encourage those coming to First Friday to do is to make sure you check out the places that are a little off the beaten path. The Literacy Coalition always has something special over on Mulberry St along with the Bohemian Tattoo Club & Gallery, All God's Creatures Grooming Spa and Walt Moss Barber Shop.There's also the Manna From Heaven Cakery, the historic Train Tower and Crystal Wand Creations on Buckeye St. Each month the whole experience seems to grow and soon, I'm sure, Panhandle Alley a little further north on Buckeye St will be participating.

Okay, it's confession time. I'll have to admit that when I first heard about FF last year I pretty much thought all I would see would be people my age (70+) who remembered the "good old days". There are plenty of us to be sure but we are far outnumbered by families with younger kids, teens and young adults. This has been a great thing to see. If you haven't yet attended a First Friday please give it a try. I'd be surprised if you couldn't find something you like.

If all else fails, there's always Jamie's Soda Fountain, Main Street Cafe, Pepperwhistle Bakery & Cafe, Cook McDoogal's Irish Pub, The Laugh House Comedy Club, The District, Drake's Bar & Grill and Foxes Trails where you can eat. So far the only one I've missed is The Comedy Club but by next First Friday that will be taken care of. Oh, and yes, only people my age remember when there were  this many places to eat uptown!